#C #C
please tell me what is taking place,cause i can-t seem to find a trace,
#C #Am #C
guess it must-ve got erased somehow,probably cause i always forget,
#C #Am
everytime someone tells me their name,it-s always gotta be the same.(in my world)
#C #C #Am
never wore cover-up,always beat the boys up,grew up in a 5000 population town,
#C #C #Am
made my money by cutting grass,got fired by fried chicken ass,all in a small town, napanee.
#G #F #C #G #F #C
you know i always stay up without sleepin-,and think to myself,
#G #F #C #C #G
where do i belong forever,in whose arms, the time and place?
can-t help if i space in a daze,my eyes tune out the other way,i may switch off and go in a daydream,
in this head my thoughts are deep,but sometimes i can-t even speak,
#F #F #G #C
would someone be and not pretend? i-m off again in my world
Avril吉他谱《My World》简谱五线谱附歌词是乐器资源网于2017年02月17日 02:08:26整理更新,内容收录在文本吉他谱栏目;乐器资源网免费分享专业、准确、规范、高清的文本吉他谱简谱五线谱歌词等电子版资料,欢迎在线免费下载;乐器资源网无需注册会员,即可直接免费下载各类乐器学习相关资源。