2022年1月6日,由中央音乐学院主办,中央音乐学院音乐孔子学院办公室及中文国际教育(音乐)实践与研究基地承办的一场颇具中欧文化交流历史意义的扬琴汇报音乐会,在中央音乐学院演奏厅举办。中国首位,同时也是中央音乐学院首位扬琴国际研修生,教育部中外语言交流合作中心奖学金生——捷克青年扬琴演奏家马泰(Matěj Číp),汇报了他来华研习中国扬琴艺术的最新成果。
Matěj Číp, the first young Czech Yangqin player studying in China, first international Yangqin student in CCOM and scholarship student of CLEC held a report concert on 6 January 2022, to present his study results. Romanian Folk Dances, one of Bartók's most representative works, contains six short dances with full of Hungarian style. It resembles six paintings of Romanian folk customs, with simple and concise brushwork. The lively interpretations by the Yangqin and the cimbalom add to the flavour of the folk music.