If I fell in love with you could you promise to be true And help me understand Cause Ive been in love before And Ive found that love is more That just holding hands If I gave my he...
尤克里里视频教学 332 阅读
因为光良想要传达出每个人的心中都应该有一个童话的讯息,所以他写了这首歌曲[1] 。 这首歌在制作时,音乐统筹光良与陈建良特别找来了日本歌手森山直太朗的编曲制作人Taichi Nakamura来为这首歌编曲,他亲自把光良...
尤克里里视频教学 126 阅读
In My LifeBeatles There are places Ill remember (我会记起某些地方) All my life though some have changed (我的生活虽然有些改变) Some forever not for better (但有些方面不会变的更好)...
尤克里里视频教学 336 阅读
尤克里里视频教学 502 阅读
歌词 歌曲:Norwegian wood 歌手:The Beatles I once had a girl Or should I say she once had me She showed me her room Isnt it good Norwegian wood? She asked me to stay And she told...
尤克里里视频教学 246 阅读
歌词 歌曲:Lady Madonna 歌手:The Beatles Lady Madonna, children at your feet. Wonder how you manage to make ends meet. Who finds the money? When you pay the rent? Did you think th...
尤克里里视频教学 112 阅读
歌词 we can work it out sweetbox I cant see why everybody has to fight Cos two wrongs dont make a right A fall in life is justified That is what they say Lifes too short There must...
尤克里里视频教学 205 阅读
CATEGORY ARCHIVES: 马叔叔尤克里里教程 如果你还不认识马叔叔,看一下视频就知道了。我觉得在华人世界尤克里里老师里马叔叔是最。。。特别的一位!噢,对了,马叔叔是台湾人,在台湾尤克里里...
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尤克里里视频教学 662 阅读