尤克里里视频教学 688 阅读
All my loving 歌手:The Beatles close your eyes and ill kiss you,闭上你的眼睛,我会吻你 Tomorrow Ill miss you; 明天,我会想念你 Remember Ill always be true. 记住,我永远都是真心的...
尤克里里视频教学 311 阅读
因为光良想要传达出每个人的心中都应该有一个童话的讯息,所以他写了这首歌曲[1] 。 这首歌在制作时,音乐统筹光良与陈建良特别找来了日本歌手森山直太朗的编曲制作人Taichi Nakamura来为这首歌编曲,他亲自把光良...
尤克里里视频教学 126 阅读
歌 手: Olivia Ong Olivia Ong - Here, There and Everywhere 歌词 Here, There and Everywhere To led a better life I need lover to be here Here, making each day of the year Changing...
尤克里里视频教学 239 阅读
歌词 we can work it out sweetbox I cant see why everybody has to fight Cos two wrongs dont make a right A fall in life is justified That is what they say Lifes too short There must...
尤克里里视频教学 205 阅读
歌词 Beatles Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da Desmond has a barrow in the market place Molly is the singer in a band Desmond says to Molly-girl I like your face And Molly says this as she takes...
尤克里里视频教学 245 阅读
尤克里里视频教学 461 阅读